Can I still get quick results with at home ketamine treatments?

Depression is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, many people who have depression have been unable to find relief from their symptoms, which can be debilitating and even life-threatening. Fortunately, there are newer treatment options for those struggling with depression including at home ketamine treatments. These infusions can help many patients experience relief from their symptoms faster than traditional antidepressants or
psychotherapy alone.

How fast does at home ketamine work?

Ketamine is a very effective treatment for depression. In fact, it works quickly, and patients often notice an immediate improvement in their depression symptoms. The effects are usually temporary, lasting a few days to a few weeks. However, if the patient continues with regular treatments over an extended period of time (over the course of several months or years), then long-lasting effects can be achieved which can last for years after treatment has ended.

Patients receive ketamine intravenously (IV), usually during infusions that last one hour.

Patients receive ketamine intravenously (IV), usually during infusions that last one hour. The medication is given through an IV in your arm.
Your doctor will ask you to lie down or sit up while the drug is administered, depending on your comfort level and medical condition. During this time, you may feel drowsy or confused; if so, let the doctor know right away so they can adjust your dose accordingly.
After the infusion is complete, you’ll lie down for about 15 minutes to allow the ketamine to work its way into your bloodstream before being able to leave treatment center with a driver or friend who has agreed to take you home safely after treatment.

How will you feel after a at-home ketamine treatment?

Ketamine is a sedative, which means that it can be used for anesthesia. It has also been shown to provide pain relief and sedation. In fact, ketamine is so effective at providing these effects that it’s often used in emergency care situations where quick action is necessary.

How often should I do at home ketamine?

How often you need to do at home ketamine treatments depends on the severity of your depression symptoms. Your doctor will be able to tell you how often you need these treatments and whether or not they are working for you.
If you are doing at home ketamine treatments for depression, it is important that you follow your doctor’s recommendations and see them regularly.

You’ve tried everything. Well, except Mindbloom.

Meds, talk therapy, or self-care not quite getting you there? Achieve your breakthrough with clinician-prescribed, our at-home ketamine therapy.

When will you see a difference?

You can expect to feel the effects of ketamine treatment in as little as 20 minutes.

The effects of ketamine treatments may last anywhere from one day to a week, depending on your condition and the intensity of the treatment. For example, if you’re trying to treat depression with low doses of intravenous ketamine (IV KET), you can expect that your mood will change within an hour or two after your first session. However, if you have chronic pain or PTSD and opt for high-dose IV infusions (IV KET), it might take up to seven days for your moods to stabilize—and even longer for them not post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms like


When to follow up with the Doctor

First, it’s important to note that you should never do at-home ketamine treatments without your doctor’s permission. There are risks involved with at-home ketamine treatments (explained below), and they may not be as effective as going through a clinical trial or hospital treatment program.

Second, it’s important to take into account the individual patient and their needs when considering whether or not an at-home ketamine treatment might be right for them. Some patients have been able to achieve good results from using an at-home ketamine treatment; others have seen no improvement at all or even experienced negative reactions after trying such an approach themselves.

Finally, you should keep in mind that there are specific guidelines associated with doing these types of procedures on yourself—and if those guidelines aren’t followed correctly then there could be serious repercussions! For example: If you don’t dilute your solution correctly before administering it via injection (which is something most doctors will insist upon) then there could be more side effects than usual—which could include pain or numbness where the shot was given; fever; swelling; bleeding around where the needle went into their skin… etcetera forevermore until death stops being scary enough

In conclusion, if you are looking for an alternative to traditional treatments, at home ketamine treatments are a great option! If you want to learn more about these treatments or how they work, feel free to contact us today