IV Nad +

IV Nad +

What is NAD+?

Have you heard the new buzz over NAD+?
NAD+, known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a coenzyme found in every cell in our bodies. It powers more than 100 metabolic processes that impact a variety of systems including digestion, mental clarity, aging, and overall energy levels. Our bodies don’t have an endless supply of NAD+; and the amount present in our bodies decreases with age. IV NAD+ Therapy allows us to replenish our NAD+ levels. When given through an IV, it is 100% bioavailable to our cells, unlike the oral form of NAD+. This means it is immediately available for your body to start using.

NAD+ has several benefits, below are some that could benefit you:

Anyone can benefit from NAD+. It is helps your brain and body function at their best.

  1. Anti-Aging
  2. Improve Mental Clarity
  3. Increase Metabolic Function
  4. Boost Energy
  5. Improve Memory and Concentration
  6. Clear Brain Fog
  7. Detox and Cleanse
  8. Improves inflammation
  9. Improves athletic Performace and HElps with Muscle Recovery
  10. Supports addiction Recovery
  11. Lowers Stress
  12. Improves Symptoms of PTSD, Anxiety, Depression and Fatigue
  13. Helps Treat Post Covid-19 lingering Symptoms

What does NAD+ Therapy do?

NAD+ is involved in many cellular processes, so it has several responsibilities. Two main jobs are to repair and restore processes and reactions in your body and mind. Boosting your NAD+ levels can help restore your health naturally, enhancing your physical and mental wellbeing. Ever wonder why kids seem so much more resilient than adults? Kids still have a lot of NAD+, this is partially why their recovery and healing time is less than most adults.

NAD+ IV Infusions are the most simple, quick and effective way to provide your body with the coenzymes that are continually depleting as you age. It replenishes your body and gives it a self-care boost your cells are craving. Who couldn’t use an extra pep in their step? We know we do.

What to expect?

You’ll be in a comfortable chair in one of our clinic rooms, under the care of one of our highly trained medical professionals. A trained medical professional will start an IV and answer any questions you may have. Some people feel mild side effects while others don’t feel any at all. The drip speed can be adjusted based on how you are feeling during the process, this can help with mild side effects like nausea. Some other feelings people may experience are warmth, chest heaviness, mild congestion or a stuffy nose. You are able to drive yourself to and from your NAD+ appointment, so no arrangements need to be made. It can take anywhere from 2-4 hours, this depends on the patient and the speed of the drip.

Frequently Asked Questions

While we covered a lot above, you may still have some questions. And if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, head on over to our contact page and send us an email. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.